Make your home Feng Shui friendly in 3 steps

The energy you bring into your home is so important and fun, to be honest. What do you want your home to say about you and what do you want your home to bring you? I think the power should be upbeat and light, as a home should be a space that makes you happy. Making your home Feng Shui friendly is a great way to bring a more peaceful flow and positive energy. Here are a few quick tips that are easy to implement.

Feng Shui Tip No. 1: Lighting

To promote wealth in the living room, place a lamp in the corner of the room diagonally opposite the room door. Windows and skylights can also help bring lighter energy to your living space. Torchiere floor lamps are another excellent way to incorporate more Feng Shui-friendly lighting into your home.

Feng Shui Tip No. 2: Dining

In the dining room, place a mirror on the wall to reflect the dining table and keep fresh flowers in the center of the table. A mirror that reflects the dining table symbolizes an abundance of food and invites prosperity. It also gives the illusion that the dining room is much larger.

Feng Shui Tip No. 3: Bedroom

One of the most critical principles in Feng Shui is the commanding position. The Feng Shui position also applies to the bed. In the bedroom, to encourage restfulness, colors should be neutral and light. Place the mattress and headboard on a solid wall and not in line with the door entry. Many call this ‘dead man’s position, which is not desired by those who practice Feng Shui.

Even adding just a few small changes as you go can make all the difference!

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